BitCoin’s Got Talents

HODLing is “sinful”; what is investing?

John Pitts
28 min readJan 14, 2021

Dedicated to: My father, Robert Stanley Pitts (Jan 14, 1932), who was always grinding like a servant #2 and was born and died in an economic bottom, and Robert Stanley Pitts Jr, a “servant #1 who’s consistently deploying ALL his talents, and Rich Barton another servant #2 who became a servant #1 via his brainchild Expedia which was my first investment in the internet, Q1 2001.

It took me over 40 years to learn the REAL message of “The Parable of the Talents”. It is one of our ancestors’ greatest lessons, and we should all learn it early — but in a way that makes sense to a MODERN audience. This article is an attempt to modernize the story, elaborate on it in more depth, and it also serves as a reminder to myself and my children of the power of using ALL your talents — particularly your excess capital & time. If you don’t know the parable, you should definitely read it now — here’s an excerpt highlighting the main lesson in it:

“Well done, good and faithful servant (#1). You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master. For to everyone who has, will more be given, and he will have abundance.” — Matthew 25: 14–30 [0]


This line in the quote above was said to both servant #1 and servant #2, billed as the “good servants”, who invested Master’s capital of 5 and 2 TALENTS [0] (of…



John Pitts

Recommends the BEST equities (“Diamonds”) WHEN they are (“in the Roughage”) at the lowest price to achieve the highest long term gains.